
WWE Hall of Famer shares thoughts on whether return of Randy Orton at Survivor Series should have been kept as surprise

In the recent episode of the Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T mentioned that while a surprise return by Randy Orton at Survivor Series would have been exciting, the likelihood of it getting spoiled on social media was high.

Mathew K
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Randy Orton (Source: Twitter)

A WWE Hall of Famer, Booker T has expressed his opinions on the decision not to keep Randy Orton's return at Survivor Series a surprise. The announcement was made on this week's Monday Night RAW that The Viper would be returning on Saturday night as the fifth member of Cody Rhodes' team for the Men's WarGames match against The Judgment Day and Drew McIntyre. This marks Orton's first match since May 2022.


In the recent episode of the Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T mentioned that while a surprise return by Randy Orton at Survivor Series would have been exciting, the likelihood of it getting spoiled on social media was high. It is essential for everyone to be aware that Randy Orton will be present, so they can tune in and engage with the event. The primary focus is to ensure that fans of Randy Orton are informed about his presence.

"You know, a surprise would've been great, but I'm sure someone would've broken on Twitter that Randy Orton has been spotted in Chicago. I'm sure of that. There's no way around that. So these days, trying to surprise someone, you might just be shooting yourself in the foot. Everybody [should] know [sic] that Randy Orton is gonna be there so they could tune in and buy it more than anything. More importantly, you want the Randy Orton fans to know he's going to be there," said Booker.

Booker T suggests that Randy Orton could have had concerns after sustaining an injury


Randy Orton who has been sidelined for 18 months due to a back injury, recently lost the tag titles with former partner Matt Riddle to The Usos during SmackDown. Booker T acknowledged that The Apex Predator faced challenges with the injury, emphasizing the excitement surrounding his return to WWE. It remains to be seen if Randy Orton's team will secure victory at Survivor Series: WarGames.

"Randy was going through a lot with that back injury and stuff like that. You wonder if you're gonna ever come back. They say once you touch the back, man, it's surgeries after surgeries after surgeries. But to see Randy make his return, it's definitely gonna be awesome. I know he had to be worried about it because I know every time that I was sitting at home with an injury, I was always wondering, man, am I gonna be able to get back?" said Booker.


Randy Orton