
Capcom rolls back Enigma DRM from Resident Evil Revelations

Capcom temporarily removed Enigma DRM from Resident Evil Revelations after the players were complaining about performance issues in older hardware.

New Update
Resident Evil

New updates in Resident Evil Revelations

Capcom, who has recently implemented new Enigma digital rights management (DRM) in Resident Evil Revelations, has rolled back the update after a huge community outcry regarding the performance hit.


Most of the modern AAA gaming titles in the last few years come with DRM built in. This is done to discourage piracy so that the company will not lose out on the revenue. However, there are several reports of DRM showing performance issues. These have surfaced in the last few years.

What was more shocking is that Capcom is hell-bent on implementing DRMs in its decade-old titles which does not necessarily need them. The game in talk is over 11 years old. Fans of the series have expressed disappointment by review-bombing the game.

The company has been slowly implementing DRMs into their older titles. The latest rollback is also temporary until the company fix the performance issue. After that, there is a good chance it will be implemented again.


Why are DRMs hated?

A general reason is that the DRMs are causing performance hits inside games. Players with older hardware that barely reached playable 60 fps were now left struggling.

Another reason is the restriction it puts on modding. Video games, especially single-player games, cannot implement mods with a DRM as it encrypts the game files and does not allow any form of access.


Many DRMs also require a constant internet connection for a game run. This became a topic of concern as people who are buying a single-player game cannot even play it without the internet.

In a sense, the DRMs have caused more trouble for people buying the game, compared to those who were planning to pirate. While companies may be looking out for their best interest, It is common knowledge that those who cannot buy will not buy the game.

DRM Capcom Resident Evil video games