
Turkish Football Federation postpones Turkish Super Cup final amid ongoing controversy over banning of Ataturk T-shirt and Turkey National Anthem

The anticipated Turkish Super Cup final between football titans Galatasaray and Fenerbahce took an unexpected turn as it was abruptly called off in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Mathew K
New Update
Turkish Super Cup

Turkish Super Cup (Source: Twitter)

The anticipated Turkish Super Cup final between football titans Galatasaray and Fenerbahce took an unexpected turn as it was abruptly called off in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The clash, scheduled to unfold at the King Saud University venue, came to a halt due to a contentious disagreement revolving around the players' jerseys, leading to the event's postponement.


Reports surfaced that players from Istanbul-based teams sought to don T-shirts featuring an image of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Ataturk was the esteemed founder of the modern Turkish republic during the pre-match warm-up. However, Saudi organisers allegedly withheld authorization for such attire, sparking discontent among the players.

Additionally, Saudi authorities purportedly prohibited the display of banners bearing political slogans and Ataturk-themed T-shirts, including those adorned with Ataturk's renowned mantra, "peace at home, peace in the world." The clubs' steadfast refusal to participate in the King Saud University venue final, also known as Al-Awwal Park Stadium, led to the unprecedented cancellation.

Saudi State TV quoted organisers, attributing the decision to the team's failure to adhere to match regulations. The statement emphasised that the agreement, reached during preparatory meetings with the Turkish Football Federation, aimed to present the sport without extraneous slogans or politically charged elements.


Turkish Football Federation calls for postponement

A joint statement from the Turkish Football Federation (TFF) and the participating clubs acknowledged postponing the  2023 Super Cup to a later, unspecified date. The statement underscored the decision as a collective one, prompted by "some problems in its organization." The lingering uncertainty surrounding the rescheduled final's venue and date left football enthusiasts awaiting official announcements.

The incident not only underscored the sensitivity surrounding symbolic expressions within the realm of sports but also highlighted the complex intersection of cultural and political nuances in international sporting events. The clash between the footballing aspirations of two Turkish giants and the host country's regulations illustrated the delicate balance that organisers must strike to ensure the smooth execution of global sporting spectacles.


As the football community awaits further developments, the Turkish Super Cup row serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate challenges inherent in navigating the intersection of sports and sociopolitical dynamics on the international stage.

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